This week will make it the 7th year that I went under the sun to queue just to get myself registered as a Voter in Nigeria.

I was much younger and naive, I cherished the idea of having a say in who should lead. I waited and anticipated for the time I would pass my teen age, just to grab that gift that my country was offering me; the right to vote.
I have participated in every election ever since, whenever it was election time, I would call my Mum and inform her; “Mum, I’m coming home to vote”.
I do not like the experiences I have had during election times; it makes me question whether I indeed have the right to choose my leaders.
The money bags to induce vote and to manipulate results, the underage voters, violence and oppression of opposition, snatching of ballot boxes. These and many more experiences and occurrences nearly stole my interest in participating in elections.
I have never stopped believing in Nigeria because I know the plots of evil men will fail. The narrative is changing; money will fail those who believe they can pay their way to become leaders in Nigeria.
I remember when I was chosen with some other people to lead our fellowship in high school, we fell on our knees to be prayed for, in-fact some of them wept because as young as we were, we recognized that a call to leadership is a call to be a servant. Those that will truly serve will leave the choice for the people to decide.
We would have more than two options in 2019. A critical mass of young Nigerians are arising to build a New Nigeria where things work. Of these people, servant leaders will arise, those who do not have the desire for public office but the desire to make Nigeria the most desirable nation to live in by December 31, year 2025.

Friend, I invite you to join the Race For A New Nigeria.
– Join #TeamFD through this link –
– Register and get your Permanent Voters Card (PVC).
– Join the process in search for incorruptible young Nigerians that become the leaders of our New Nigeria.
If things must be truly different in my life time and in your life time, it is time for a complete take over.
Nigeria will rise again.
#TeamFD #RunningForANewNigeria